Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tony Robbins: Why we do what we do, and how we can do it better

1. Immersion
2. How do you learn language? You didn't learn it by just learning principles. You got in it, and do it so often that it became real.
3. Why you do what you do? What is your motive for action.
4. The invisible force of internal drive activated is the most important thing in the world
5. You don't work for your self interest all the time
6. When emotions comes into it the wiring changes the way it functions.
7. Explore where you are today: 1) so you can contribute more and 2) stop the challenges that we face by understanding and appreciating people more
8. Effective leaders have the ability to consistently move themselves and others to action because the understand the "invisible forces" that shape us.
9. What makes the difference in the quality of people's lives?
10. The science of achievement
11. The art of fulfillment
12. Appreciation and contribution
13. Decision is the ultimate power
14. The defining factor is not the resources its resourcefulness
15. 3 decisions of destiny, what am I going to focus on?, what does it mean?, what are you going to do?
16. In the moment: State
17. Long term: Your model of the world
18. 6 needs: certainty, uncertainty, significance, connection and love, grow, and contribute
19. Human beings get excited to contribute once they experience it and not talk about it.
20. The map
21. Emotions
22. We have 6,000 words in the English language that describes emotion
23. People start to live when they face death

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