Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sales Mastery
Don Hudson shares what he believes are the skills and mindset you need to master the sales profession in this full-length seminar.

1. Mental image of Value and Price
1.1 Generic Benefits
2. Value Builders
3. Differentiators
3.1 Product differentiation
3.2 Price differentiation
3.3 Relationship differentiation
3.4 Service differentiation
3.5 Process differentiation
3.6 Technological differentiation

Customer Loyalty
1. Service-base
1.1 Big heart
1.2 Keen eye
2. Look for miracles
3. Compelling customer service
3.1 Eye-contact
3.2 Sincere smile
3.3 Kind word
3.4 Positive energy
3.5 "Can do" Spirit
3.6 Use their name
3.7 Thank them

Management and Leadership
1. Paternal customer is your boss
1.1 Leadership style
2. Confident leaders
2.1 Track and identify trends and develop strategies on capitalizing on the apparent trends
2.2 Perception of high velocity leadership
3. Leadership is the art of using our own persuasive skills and/or our power of position to influence the attitudes and behavior of others towards the successful accomplishment of a task.
4. Number one sign of the incompetence among leaders is the tendency to sanction the incompetence of a subordinate.
5. Birth is easier than ressurection.
5.1 Find new people
5.2 Support system for every person we got.

Leading Change
1. 96% of change are externally generated
2. Attitude about change / Change quotient
2.1 Apathy
2.2 Pessimistic
2.3 Positive about change
3. Training
3.1 What if you invest a lot in training and your people leave. What if you don't and they stay.

1. The pull of anticipation and the push of discipline
2. The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.
2.1 Develop a habit
3. We are accountable for are own personal motivation, accountable for our own performance
4. Two types of self-image
4.1 Present self-image
4.2 Projected self-image
5. Competitive enterprise
6. Inspiration is the number cause of greatness
7. An internal force of motivation causing one to take a targeted action.
8. The deviation between one's present and projected self-images, accompanied by a plan to bridge the gap
9. Achievement Continuum
9.1 Failure and Success
10. Everybody becomes weird once you get to know them.
11. Contentment Continuum
11.1 Fulfillment and Frustration
12. The Contented Achiever Grid
12.1 Success/Frustration = Soap Opera People
12.2 Failure/Frustration = Tar pit people
12.3 Failure/Fulfillment = Oxymoron people
12.4 Success/Fulfillment = Contented Achievers

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