Thursday, October 20, 2011

Stand Up (DAtE Climate Change Music Video)

“Stand Up”
- Adapting to a Climate Challenged World (Design Against the Elements)
Sung by: Various Artist
Composed by: Boogie Romero (Kjwan)
Directed by: Henry Posadas

Seasons come, seasons go
Why won’t the rain stop falling?
Did you notice?

She’s suffering the world is weighing on earth
Bring their home, bring them home
Bring them, bring them home
Bring them home, oh..

We gotta join hands with shield
We gotta do our part and start from within
We gotta stand up the world is changing
Rise up get ready to face the storm
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Get ready

One heart, one soul, one world
Stand up the world is changing
Rise up get ready to face the storm
Yeah, yeah
Get ready, get ready, yeah

[New climate situation we have to customary to be able to be more resilient to the world]

Bring hope amidst change
Bring home our brothers are need to be safe
They need to be safe, they need to be safe
Today, today they need to be safe

Bring love in one world
We must work together to persevere
One world, oh…

We gotta join hands with shield
We gotta do our part and start from within
We gotta stand up the world is changing
Rise up get ready to face the storm
Get ready

The time to moving up
Stand up the world is changing
Rise up get ready to face the storm
Get ready, get ready to face the storm
Get ready

There are no better people to do this
than you and I (you and I)
There’s no better time to do this
than now
Bring them home

[We need the one people and see all of ourselves as solutions rather than part of the problem]

Stand up the world is changing
Rise up get ready to face the storm
Get ready, get ready

[This is a local problem that needs a global solution - Illac Diaz]

Stand up the world is changing
Rise up get ready to face the storm
Get ready, get ready
Get ready for the storm
Stand up, rise up, stand up

Stand up the world is changing
Rise up get ready to face the storm
Get ready, get ready

Let’s bring them home
We gotta bring them home

[It could be a better world  for the next generation simply because we are learning from lessons to the past and we have great hope for the future.]

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