Friday, September 2, 2011

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

T. Harv Eker’s best selling book on the secrets of the millionaire mind is summarized for MasteryTV in a 15 minute video and a 1 hour and 30 minute seminar. The 90 minute seminar will change your life if you let it.

My notes on the seminar:

Thoughts - Feelings - Actions = Results

Money Blueprint
1. Verbal Programming
2. Modelling
3. Specific Incidents

What I focus on, expands

*7 days of no complaining

There's no such thing as a really rich victim

I create the exact level of my financial success

Play to win vs Not to lose

*Create a strategy to help 10 times as many people

Solve problems to get paid.

How do I help more people?

My goal is to become a multi-millionaire and more!!! And nothing less will do!

What you settle for is what you get! Your life right now is exactly what you settle for...

Both vs Either or

I can be kind, gentle and loving and still really, really rich!!!

Admire and Model vs Resent rich and successful people

Practice admiring rich people

Blessed that what you want

Everything that you negate, you can never have!

I admire rich people! I bless rich people! I love rich people! I study rich people! And I will be a rich people too!

Why be rich?
1. Lifestyle
2. Contribution
3. "Who" become

Bigger than their problems vs smaller than their problems

Not get rid of the problem but grow yourself so you are bigger than any problem. Its not the size of the problem its the size of you!

You're money is the same level as you are.

Chinese bamboo plant

You keep on growing. Being comfortable and stagnant kills you.

Reasons or results? You cannot have both!

I am bigger than any problem! I can handle any problem! Nothing can stop me from creating love!

Thoughts - Feelings - Actions = Results

Actions becomes the bridge to the real world from the inner world. Actions are absolutely critical.

Act inspite of fear! Tame the cobra of fear!

We are creatures of habit. Its not always convenient to become rich.

Find uncomfortable situations. Look for uncomfortable situations and take action. The only time you're growing if you're uncomfortable.

You are the person who can't be stopped or the person who can be stopped. Train yourself to not be stopped because its easy to be stopped. Most of us are unstoppable at one point but day 2 of our lives happened.

If its not going to kill you physically, do it! You are going to be so much better in the end than waiting for the "exact moment in time". And when is that "exact moment in time"? Is when you are comfortable.

Act inspite of fear! Act inspite of doubt! Act inspite of worry!  Act inspite of inconvenience!  Act inspite of discomfort!  Act inspite of anything!

It is easier than you think its going to be. Training and managing your own mind is the most important skill a human being could ever own!

Learn and grow vs already know. You can learn to do anything, you can learn to succeed. Every master was once a disaster...

You will soar to a level that you have never experience in your life!

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